Jul 21, 2013 •
Mainers expect results from whomever is leading. The legislative session that recently came to a close in Augusta was no ordinary session: For the first time since the early 1990s, Maine government was divided with a Republican in the Blaine House and Democrats holding legislative majorities. Because of that, predictions for this session were bleak....
Jul 18, 2013 •
This week, I’ll highlight an editorial in support of a bill of mine, and discuss the new property tax rebate system. Student Hunger Editorial Last week, the Portland Press Herald published an editorial in support of my bill to reduce student hunger bill. With food insecurity at a perilous high, students going hungry during the summer, and...
Jul 11, 2013 •
This week marked the end of the First Regular Session of the Senate. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and comments through the year. Community EventOn Monday, July 8th, I attended and spoke at a LearningWorks press conference announcing that their Youth Building Alternatives (YBA) Program had been awarded nearly $1 million from the...
Jun 28, 2013 •
This week, I’ll discuss some of our votes late in the session, including the biennial budget and the Seed Capital Tax Credit. LearningWorks YBA Graduation Friday morning, I had the honor of speaking at LearningWorks’ Youth Building Alternatives graduation ceremony. Twenty students took classes over nine months to earn their GED and participate in...
Jun 27, 2013 •
AUGUSTA, Maine — The Maine House and Senate voted Wednesday to override Republican Gov. Paul LePage’s veto of the two-year, $6.3 billion state budget, avoiding a state government shutdown and temporarily raising sales, meals and lodging taxes. Click here to read more from the Bangor Daily News.
Jun 21, 2013 •
This week, the First Regular Session of the 126th Legislature reached its statutory adjournment. We will come back this month for at least one day of veto override votes, but the vast majority of our work for the year is done. Governor Vetoes Omnibus Energy Bill Late Wednesday night, the Governor waited until the last...