Senate President Alfond on Bill Green's Maine

Senate President Alfond on Bill Green’s Maine

Senate President Justin Alfond talks with Bill Green about his life and his plans for the 126th Maine Senate.
Senate President Alfond on Maine Watch

Senate President Alfond on Maine Watch

Senate President Justin Alfond is joined by Senator Michael Thibodeau, House Speaker Mark Eves and Representative Ken Fredette on Maine Watch to discuss the upcoming legislative session. Watch New Legislative Session on PBS. See more from Maine Watch with Jennifer Rooks.
District 8 Legislative Update - Revenue Report

District 8 Legislative Update – Revenue Report

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! As we move into the holiday season and buy gifts for our loved ones, it's important to remember our friends and neighbors that own and run small businesses here in Portland and in Maine. By making a conscious effort to purchase your gifts...
Latest entries

Inaugural Address

Two years from today, should we be privileged to meet here again, my hope is that we meet here as friends. My hope is that we will be thanking each other. For sharing ideas. For working together. For putting Maine first. With that future in mind, I am honored to serve as the 115th President...

Portland wants state to hear urban voices

… With Democrats back in control of both legislative chambers, and Justin Alfond, a Portland Democrat, serving as Senate president, the prospects for Portland and other urban areas to make gains appear to be improving.  … Click here to read more from Portland Press Herald.

Senate President Alfond on Bill Green’s Maine

Senate President Justin Alfond talks with Bill Green about his life and his plans for the 126th Maine Senate.

Senate President Alfond on Maine Watch

Senate President Justin Alfond is joined by Senator Michael Thibodeau, House Speaker Mark Eves and Representative Ken Fredette on Maine Watch to discuss the upcoming legislative session. Watch New Legislative Session on PBS. See more from Maine Watch with Jennifer Rooks.

Maine session starts icily as important issues loom

… Democrats, despite their feel-good rhetoric, have been quick to take potshots at LePage. When the figures were not yet final on a spending curtailment plan being prepared for the governor, the new Democratic leaders, House Speaker Mark Eves of North Berwick and Senate President Justin Alfond of Portland, expressed shock that LePage had not...

Michael Cuzzi: For Maine Democrats, legislative session fraught with bipartisan opportunity

… There is a newly minted crop of Democratic leaders in Augusta. They are young, progressive and hail primarily from southern Maine. They include Senate President Justin Alfond, 37, of Portland; Senate Majority Leader Seth Goodall, 34, of Richmond; House Speaker Mark Eves, 35, of Berwick; and House Majority Leader Seth Berry, 44, of Bowdoinham....