Senate President Alfond on Bill Green's Maine

Senate President Alfond on Bill Green’s Maine

Senate President Justin Alfond talks with Bill Green about his life and his plans for the 126th Maine Senate.
Senate President Alfond on Maine Watch

Senate President Alfond on Maine Watch

Senate President Justin Alfond is joined by Senator Michael Thibodeau, House Speaker Mark Eves and Representative Ken Fredette on Maine Watch to discuss the upcoming legislative session. Watch New Legislative Session on PBS. See more from Maine Watch with Jennifer Rooks.
District 8 Legislative Update - Revenue Report

District 8 Legislative Update – Revenue Report

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! As we move into the holiday season and buy gifts for our loved ones, it's important to remember our friends and neighbors that own and run small businesses here in Portland and in Maine. By making a conscious effort to purchase your gifts...
Latest entries

More than 200 jobs would be cut under LePage’s proposed budget

… Senate President Justin Alfond was focused on what he estimated would be a tax shift of about $400 million to local communities. “That is obviously a concern to all of us around the table because we all come here representing our communities, and that’s a tremendous amount of money to be taking from them...

State House: Democrats unveil legislative agenda

… “Together, we face some serious challenges,” said Senate President Justin Alfond, D-Portland. “We can’t ignore that. We won’t ignore that. But we do not have to disparage our workforce, our schools, denigrate our state or put down the very qualities that make Maine special.” … Click here to read more from the Morning Sentinel....

Portland, Biddeford school officials laud new grant awards after state rescinded previous round

… A nine-month-old controversy over a slate of grants awarded — and then rescinded — by the Maine Department of Education was water under the bridge Wednesday for local school officials who are expecting more money through the program than the previous time around. “It’s taken a lot of emails, a lot of phone calls...

District 8 Legislative Update – Democratic Agenda

Happy New Year! On Tuesday, January 8th, I took to the rostrum and opened the first day of session for the 126th Maine State Senate. Now we begin the work of governing, and over the next week, almost 2,000 bills will be introduced. Community Event Yesterday, I was joined by Mayor of Biddeford and State...

Maine Legislative Democrats: Jobs and Economy Priority No. 1

… Democratic Maine Senate President Justin Alfond says Maine needs a short term plan to jump-start its economy, and a long-term vision of Maine’s economic future. To accomplish that goal, he and House Speaker Mark Eves want to create a Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Workforce and Economic Future. Panelists, including Republicans and Democrats, would...

Another View: Maine lawmakers on the right track with focus on skills gap

… I was pleased to read that Senate President Justin Alfond and Speaker of the House Mark Eves intend to make addressing Maine’s skills gap a high priority in the next legislative session. As a business leader, it is heartening to hear that they and Gov. LePage agree on the need to address this major...