Senate President Alfond on Bill Green's Maine

Senate President Alfond on Bill Green’s Maine

Senate President Justin Alfond talks with Bill Green about his life and his plans for the 126th Maine Senate.
Senate President Alfond on Maine Watch

Senate President Alfond on Maine Watch

Senate President Justin Alfond is joined by Senator Michael Thibodeau, House Speaker Mark Eves and Representative Ken Fredette on Maine Watch to discuss the upcoming legislative session. Watch New Legislative Session on PBS. See more from Maine Watch with Jennifer Rooks.
District 8 Legislative Update - Revenue Report

District 8 Legislative Update – Revenue Report

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! As we move into the holiday season and buy gifts for our loved ones, it's important to remember our friends and neighbors that own and run small businesses here in Portland and in Maine. By making a conscious effort to purchase your gifts...
Latest entries

Legislative Update – February 14th, 2013

I hope everyone had a safe and warm weekend. In this email, I will discuss my upcoming legislative forum, the supplemental budget, a working waterfront bond I have introduced, and Eimskip moving to Portland. Community Forum Next Saturday, February 23rd, Senator Anne Haskell, the Portland House delegation and I will be hosting a legislative forum in Portland. We will be using...

District 8 Legislative Update – February 7th, 2013

It’s been a busy week in Augusta. We had the Governor’s State of the State Address on Tuesday, worked hard on the Supplemental Budget, and we’re getting ready for the storm this weekend. State of the State Address On Tuesday night, Governor LePage laid out his agenda for the next two years. Democrats have also have...

Dems say LePage should split liquor contract, hospital debt plan

… House Speaker Mark Eves of North Berwick and Senate President Justin Alfond of Portland said the Legislature should consider the various elements of LePage’s plan separately, though they haven’t yet decided on a plan to consider them separately.  … Click here to read more from Bangor Daily News.

District 8 Legislative Update – January 25th, 2013

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the second inauguration of President Barack Obama. I attended his first inauguration four years ago, just six weeks after I had been sworn-in as a new state senator. It was great to be a part of the huge crowds and participate in our country’s democracy. Clean...

Maine democrats react to the proposed jobs plan

… AUGUSTA, Maine (NEWS CENTER) – Governor LePage announced his job plan before many in the Legislature had heard much about it. Democrats say they’re not overly excited about the plan. Senate President Justin Alfond says he was given some information about it at 1:00pm on Tuesday, but that’s all he’s received. And he says...

Democratic goals for the Maine Legislature

…   Last week, the new members of the 126th Legislature met for the first time. Many have asked, “What will be different?” There are two main things Democrats hope will be different. First, Democrats are leading the way to strengthen our economy, put people back to work and grow Maine’s middle class. Over the...