Senate President Alfond on Bill Green's Maine

Senate President Alfond on Bill Green’s Maine

Senate President Justin Alfond talks with Bill Green about his life and his plans for the 126th Maine Senate.
Senate President Alfond on Maine Watch

Senate President Alfond on Maine Watch

Senate President Justin Alfond is joined by Senator Michael Thibodeau, House Speaker Mark Eves and Representative Ken Fredette on Maine Watch to discuss the upcoming legislative session. Watch New Legislative Session on PBS. See more from Maine Watch with Jennifer Rooks.
District 8 Legislative Update - Revenue Report

District 8 Legislative Update – Revenue Report

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! As we move into the holiday season and buy gifts for our loved ones, it's important to remember our friends and neighbors that own and run small businesses here in Portland and in Maine. By making a conscious effort to purchase your gifts...
Latest entries

KJ: Skills-gap bill wins unanimous support from Maine House

AUGUSTA — The Maine House of Representatives unanimously passed a bill Monday aimed at Maine’s so-called “skills gap,” developing Maine’s workforce with job-training initiatives. L.D. 90, sponsored by Senate President Justin Alfond, D-Portland, is an omnibus bill that would establish a uniform credit-transfer system between the University of Maine System and the Maine Community College System,...

Reiche Visits the State House – District 8 Legislative Update

This week, Democrats followed through with our promise to expand health care to tens of thousands of Mainers while making our final payment to Maine’s hospitals. As we make our final payment to hospitals, we must also address the underlying problem of our high hospital costs. Our comprehensive plan does just that by taking full...

PPH: Democrats take steps against virtual Maine charter schools

On Monday, the committee voted to pass a moratorium on the authorization of virtual charter schools. The measure, sponsored by Senate President Justin Alfond, D-Portland, would prohibit creation of both full-time and for-profit virtual charter schools until the Maine Charter School Commission can draft and report out “best practices” for the schools. Alfond, who has...

Busy Week for Bills – District 8 Legislative Update

This was another busy week for my bills, with four pieces of legislation I introduced having their public hearing. In addition, we had two press conferences where we unveiled a fair school assessment systemand promoted the first-of-its-kind initiative in the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Workforce and Economic Future. Community Event Last Friday, I visited the...

BDN: Democrats stall teacher evaluation rules until LePage reveals education agenda

AUGUSTA, Maine — A week and a half of tension that began to mount last week with the release of an A-through-F grading system for public schools culminated Friday evening with Education Commissioner Stephen Bowen attacking Senate President Justin Alfond for delaying action on a sweeping teacher evaluation plan that has been under development for...

PPH: Democrats propose their own evaluation plan for Maine schools

AUGUSTA — Democrats introduced their own proposal Wednesday for evaluating Maine’s public schools, even as state education officials announced follow-up plans for schools that got D’s and F’s in the state’s new A-to-F grading system. Senate President Justin Alfond, D- Portland, described Republican Gov. Paul LePage’s grading system, unveiled last week, as simplistic and “a real...