“Crowdinvesting” Measure Moves Forward With Unanimous Support
President Alfond’s bill opens door for more Mainers to invest in local start-ups AUGUSTA – A measure that would allow Maine businesses to sell securities as a means to raise start-up capital was unanimously approved by the Legislature’s Insurance and Financial Services committee today. The measure, “An Act To Increase Funding for Start-ups,†is sponsored...
Measure to Support Brewers Receives Strong Support
Alfond’s measure to improve tasting events draws small businesses from across Maine AUGUSTA – A measure to support small breweries across the state received strong support today at a public hearing before the Legislature’s Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee. “Over the past several years, Maine’s brewing and distilling industry has been growing fast,†said President...
Measure to Support Civic Center – Portland Pirates Negotiations Receives Strong Support
Pirates owner and Civic Center trustees endorse Alfond’s measure AUGUSTA – A measure to allow the sharing of liquor sales revenue between auditoriums and sports teams received strong support today at a public hearing before the Legislature’s Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee. “Many folks in our community were disappointed when negotiations broke down between the...
Measure to Support Civic Center – Portland Pirates Negotiations Receives Public Hearing
Senate President Justin Alfond sponsors bill to allow sharing of liquor sales revenue between parties AUGUSTA – A measure to to allow the sharing of liquor sales revenue between auditoriums and sports teams will have a public hearing before the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee at 1:00 p.m. Today, Tuesday, January 21. “It was disappointing...
Senate President says Proposed Cuts to Welcome Center are Shortsighted
Governor continues his pursuit of defunding training center for foreign-trained workers AUGUSTA–Senate President Justin Alfond released the following statement in response to the LePage administration’s proposal to defund the newly created Welcome Center. Many showed up to the public hearing today to speak in opposition to the funding cuts. “The Welcome Center provides opportunity for...
Alexander report is one more political excuse to deny health care to Mainers
Facts show Medicaid expansion saves $690 million AUGUSTA — Democratic leaders issued the following statement on the release of the controversial Alexander Group report on Medicaid expansion. Governor Paul LePage awarded the controversial consultant Gary Alexander the $1 million no-bid contract last September despite his record of mismanagement and failed policies in Pennsylvania. As the...