Legislative Update

Legislative Update – Summer Update

Happy Summer! I've been traveling all over the district to meet with residents. Some of our conversations are about the progress of the 124th Legislature and what residents would like to see in Augusta. I've enjoyed listening to you, and always welcome your thoughts.

Legislative Update – June 3rd, 2010

With less than one week before the June 8th primary election, candidates and issue campaigns are in the final stretch. Everyone is making their final pitch to voters. If you have a cause or candidate you support, please find an hour or two over the next couple of days to help out!

Legislative Update – School Visit and Bonds

The campaign season is in full swing! This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the Maine State Democratic Convention in Lewiston. All four Democratic gubernatorial candidates shared their visions for the state of Maine, and delegates from across the state met to vote on and accept the party platform. I also had time...

Legislative Update – Remember Health Care Reform?

Being around town again offers a great opportunity for me to meet with folks in the community. Over the past week, I've started touring and observing Portland Public Schools. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you soon!

Legislative Update – May 13th, 2010

The past week has been full of education issues. I started in Cincinnati for an Extended Learning Opportunities conference and finished consumed with our state's Race to the Top Grant application. Read below to see what happened around the teacher/principal evaluation using student achievement.

Legislative Update – June 8th's Primary & Immigration Rally

With our work in Augusta complete for the year, our attention turns to constituent work, summer and the June ballot. In addition to legislative and gubernatorial primaries, we have a people's veto on the tax reform package as well as four bond questions. Over the next few weeks, I will go over each of the...