
These are my regular email updates. They are usually sent out once a week while the legislature is in session, and once every two weeks when the legislature is adjourned.

Greater Portland Best Place in America to Find a Job – District 8 Legislative Update

This week, we received some great news about the Greater Portland job market, I delivered the Democratic Weekly Radio Address, and delivered testimony on some of my bills. Forbes Ranking Here’s another great stat that’s encouraging about Portland! Forbes Magazine, has rated the Portland region as the best place in the country to look for a...

Hospital Repayment and Reform – District 8 Legislative Update

This week, I’ll discuss the so-called, “St. Patrick’s Day bill,” our hospital repayment and reform plan, and one of my bills that will be heard next week. Community Event Last Saturday, I joined Senator Haskell to present medals earned during military service to Professor William B. Jordan, Jr. of Portland, a World War II veteran....

Legislative Update – March 8th, 2013

This week, I’ll discuss my visit to Cianbro, an op-ed I co-authored with Speaker Eves, and my bill to help revitalize Maine’s downtowns. Visit to Cianbro As the President of the Senate, I have the honor of visiting many great companies and places in the state. Last week, I had the opportunity to go back...

Legislative Update – February 28th, 2013

This past week, I visited several businesses across the state and joined my Portland legislative colleagues in a community forum in Portland. Portland Community Forum On Saturday, February 23rd, I was joined by Senator Anne Haskell and the Portland House delegation at a community forum at the Portland Public Library. We had over 70 members of the...

Community Forum Tomorrow – District 8 Legislative Update

In this email, I will discuss my upcoming legislative forum, the concealed carry weapons permit vote, and my bill to fully fund revenue sharing. Community Forum This Saturday, February 23rd, Senator Anne Haskell, the Portland House delegation, and I will be hosting a legislative forum in Portland. We will be discussing the work we’re doing in Augusta and taking...

Legislative Update – February 14th, 2013

I hope everyone had a safe and warm weekend. In this email, I will discuss my upcoming legislative forum, the supplemental budget, a working waterfront bond I have introduced, and Eimskip moving to Portland. Community Forum Next Saturday, February 23rd, Senator Anne Haskell, the Portland House delegation and I will be hosting a legislative forum in Portland. We will be using...