
These are my regular email updates. They are usually sent out once a week while the legislature is in session, and once every two weeks when the legislature is adjourned.

Reiche Visits the State House – District 8 Legislative Update

This week, Democrats followed through with our promise to expand health care to tens of thousands of Mainers while making our final payment to Maine’s hospitals. As we make our final payment to hospitals, we must also address the underlying problem of our high hospital costs. Our comprehensive plan does just that by taking full...

Busy Week for Bills – District 8 Legislative Update

This was another busy week for my bills, with four pieces of legislation I introduced having their public hearing. In addition, we had two press conferences where we unveiled a fair school assessment systemand promoted the first-of-its-kind initiative in the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Workforce and Economic Future. Community Event Last Friday, I visited the...

Workforce Bill Earns Unanimous Support – District 8 Legislative Update

This was a busy week in Augusta. In this email, I will talk about a few of my bills and other priorities of mine including workforce issues and energy policy. Maine’s Workforce and Economic Future  On Monday, the Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Workforce and Economic Future unanimously voted to support LD 90, the workforce development...

Bills Update – District 8 Legislative Update

This week, I’ll discuss the City Council’s action on a Bayside development project, the concealed carry weapons permit bill, and four bills I testified in favor of. Midtown Project in Bayside Monday night, the Portland City Council voted 8-0 in support of the Midtown project by Federated Companies. This is exciting news for Portland. I commend...

Five Bills in Committee – District 8 Legislative Update

This week, I’ll discuss the five bills I introduced in Committee this week. Portland as High-Tech InnovatorMore great news for Portland! just ranked Portland as one of the Ten Most Unexpected Cities for High-Tech Innovation in the country. This puts us with cities like Chattanooga, Tennessee, Cincinnati, Ohio and Rochester, New York. listed...

Minimum Wage Increase – District 8 Legislative Update

This week, I’ll give an update on the Portlandlegislative delegation, the Senate passing an increase in the minimum wage, and two bills I testified on in committee. Portland Delegation Friday morning, the Portland LegislativeDelegation met with Portland city officials to discuss several issues facing the city, including public infrastructure issues, CanaRx, the working waterfront, and General Assistance. It is...