In the News

Maine democrats react to the proposed jobs plan

… AUGUSTA, Maine (NEWS CENTER) – Governor LePage announced his job plan before many in the Legislature had heard much about it. Democrats say they’re not overly excited about the plan. Senate President Justin Alfond says he was given some information about it at 1:00pm on Tuesday, but that’s all he’s received. And he says...

Democratic goals for the Maine Legislature

…   Last week, the new members of the 126th Legislature met for the first time. Many have asked, “What will be different?” There are two main things Democrats hope will be different. First, Democrats are leading the way to strengthen our economy, put people back to work and grow Maine’s middle class. Over the...

More than 200 jobs would be cut under LePage’s proposed budget

… Senate President Justin Alfond was focused on what he estimated would be a tax shift of about $400 million to local communities. “That is obviously a concern to all of us around the table because we all come here representing our communities, and that’s a tremendous amount of money to be taking from them...

State House: Democrats unveil legislative agenda

… “Together, we face some serious challenges,” said Senate President Justin Alfond, D-Portland. “We can’t ignore that. We won’t ignore that. But we do not have to disparage our workforce, our schools, denigrate our state or put down the very qualities that make Maine special.” … Click here to read more from the Morning Sentinel....

Portland, Biddeford school officials laud new grant awards after state rescinded previous round

… A nine-month-old controversy over a slate of grants awarded — and then rescinded — by the Maine Department of Education was water under the bridge Wednesday for local school officials who are expecting more money through the program than the previous time around. “It’s taken a lot of emails, a lot of phone calls...

Maine Legislative Democrats: Jobs and Economy Priority No. 1

… Democratic Maine Senate President Justin Alfond says Maine needs a short term plan to jump-start its economy, and a long-term vision of Maine’s economic future. To accomplish that goal, he and House Speaker Mark Eves want to create a Joint Select Committee on Maine’s Workforce and Economic Future. Panelists, including Republicans and Democrats, would...