Vetoes and Obstruction – District 8 Legislative Update
Jun 21, 2013 • 8:21 pm
This week, the First Regular Session of the 126th Legislature reached its statutory adjournment. We will come back this month for at least one day of veto override votes, but the vast majority of our work for the year is done. |
Governor Vetoes Omnibus Energy Bill
Late Wednesday night, the Governor waited until the last possible moment to veto the Legislature’s bipartisan Omnibus Energy Bill. This bill will lower energy costs for homes and businesses, fund energy efficiency projects by increasing funding for Efficiency Maine, and provide rate-relief for Maine businesses.
Shortly after the veto, however, the House voted 121-11 to override the Governor’s veto. This Wednesday, the Senate will take up the override vote. The bill passed the Senate with a 28-7 vote, so I am hopeful we can override the veto.
Click here to read more from the Bangor Daily News. |
Release the Bonds
One of the biggest impediments to progress the Governor has engineered is his refusal to release voter-approved bonds. For months, he has illogically held the bonds hostage, and the jobs that come with it, as leverage to push his agenda.
The Governor promised to release the bonds once we made our final payment to the hospitals. We have made our final payment, and we’re still waiting. The authorized bonds would create good jobs, invest in our infrastructure and put millions of dollars into Maine’s economy.
Budget Veto Threat
Yesterday, the Governor announced his intention to veto the two-year budget the legislature approved. The budget was the product of months of good, bipartisan work, and the Governor refuses to support it.
Governor LePage’s proposal for a two-month budget is unconstitutional, as confirmed by the Attorney General. The state needs a two-year budget approved by July 1st, 2013 to keep our state running. I am working with my colleagues in the legislature to override the Governor’s eventual veto and ensure Maine stays on the right track.
Click here to read more from the Bangor Daily News.
It has been a difficult session in Augusta, but we made some real progress on issues important to Portland and our state. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the work we’ve done.
-Justin |