District 8 Legislative Update – Election Update, Part 2
Nov 2, 2011 • 9:47 pm
Milestones & Serenity House Update
On October 14th, I received emails from the Executive Directors of both Serenity House and Milestones Foundation in Portland. They alerted me that there was a crisis brewing due to a change from Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). CMS had Maine review its private non-medical institution programs for compliance and found that Maine has been paying for mental health facilities with federal medicaid dollars in organizations with over sixteen beds. This is in non-compliance with the CMS.
Last Friday, many in the Portland State Delegation meet with the Serenity House, Milestones, Catholic Charities the City of Portland. At the meeting we learned that over sixty beds would be lost and we also heard the temporary plan of what would occur on November first. As of yesterday, over forty Milestones clients are now spending their nights at Preble Street Shelter. This is a night-to-night temporary solution. |
County Bond
Next week, every voter in Cumberland County will have the power to vote on whether or not to issue a $33 million bond to make improvements to the Cumberland County Civic Center. The County bond question reads, “Shall the Board of County Commissioners of Cumberland County, Maine (the “Board”) be authorized to issue general obligation bonds of the County, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $33,000,000, to fund the costs of improvements to the Cumberland County Civic Center, which bonds shall have such dates, maturities, denominations, interest rate(s) and other details (including provisions that the bonds may be subject to call for redemption with or without premium) as determined by the Board?” Click here for the referendum packet prepared by the County. |
Elected Mayor
For the first time in over eighty years, the City of Portland will elect our Mayor, and for the first time in Maine, we will be using what is known as Ranked Choice Voting (RCV). This process allows individuals to rank their candidates in order of preference to ensure the winner has the support of a majority of voters. Listed below are the fifteen candidates for Mayor:
Click here to learn more about Ranked Choice Voting. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how RCV works. |
City Council, Board of Education & Water District
In addition to the Mayor’s Race, we also elect a member of the Portland Water District, three members to the School Board, and two members to the City Council. Water District At-Large School Board District 4 City Council District 4 Board of Education, District 5 City Council and District 5 Board of Education seats are all uncontested. |
Weekly Radio Address
Last week, I had the honor of delivering the Weekly Radio Address on behalf of the Democratic Party. I illustrated how the Governor is missing opportunities to bring all job creators to the table. I hope you listen and share your feedback! |
Be sure to vote this Tuesday, November 8th!