Investment in education and policies to support workers and workforce development

  • LD 949 An Act To Update Maine’s High School Graduation Requirements (Sponsor, Sen. Justin Alfond, D-Portland) – Will help better prepare Maine students using standards-based system.
  • LD 944 An Act To Increase College Attainment (Sponsor, Senator Alfond, D-Portland) - Will help students get access to financial aid for college.
  • LD 1446 An Act To Establish the Maine Farm and Fish to School Program (Rep. Jeff McCabe, D-Skowhegan) – Supports local fishermen and farmers while providing healthy food options for Maine students.
  • LD 457 An Act To Provide a Livable Wage for Maine Families (Rep. Mike Carey, D-Lewiston)- Increases minimum wage yearly to match increase in price of consumer goods.
  • LD 269 An Act to Implement a Maine Unemployment Insurance Work-sharing Program (Rep. Diane Russell, D-Portland)- Provides an alternative to layoffs during a temporary slowdown in business by helping businesses retain skilled workers and ensuring workers can still earn a pay check.
  • LD 512 An Act To Employ the Unemployed (Rep. Anna Blodgett, D-Augusta)-Lowers certain state taxes for employers that hire individuals who have been out of work for more than six months.
  • LD 777 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Expand Necessary Capital Improvements at the University of Maine System That Support the Critical Disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math To Enhance Economic Development and Employment Opportunities for Maine Citizens (Sponsor, Rep. Emily Cain, D-Orono) - Invests in expanding programs such as science, technology, engineering and math to better prepare Maine university students for the jobs of the future.

Investment and tax incentives that put more money in the pockets of working people

Tax incentives to support working people and traditional Maine business

  • LD 695/LD 707 An Act To Reduce Taxes and Promote Employment (Sponsors, Rep Elsie Flemings, Bar Harbor and Peter Stuckey of Portland)Increase the state earned income tax credit to help put more money in the pockets of more working people.
  • LD 474 An Act To Reduce the Property Tax Burden and Improve the Circuit Breaker Program (Sponsor, Rep Elsie Flemings, Bar Harbor) – Makes it easier for more Maine people to get property tax relief.
  • LD 260 An Act to Extend the Historic Preservation Tax Credit (Sponsor, Rep. Erin Herbig, D-Belfast) – Extends the tax credit for rehabilitation of historic buildings.
  • LD 185 An Act To Refund the Sales Tax Paid on Fuel Used in Commercial Fishing Vessels (Sponsor, Rep. Bruce MacDonald, D-Boothbay) – Puts more money in the pockets of Maine’s fishermen.
  • LD 59 An Act To Provide Sales Tax Exemption or Refund on Parts and Supplies Purchased To Operate Windjammers (Sponsor, Rep. Ed Mazurek, D-Rockland) - Supports traditional Maine small business and tourism.

Responsible, targeted bonding*

  • LD 409 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue for Research and Development for Technology Advancement (Sponsor, Rep. Emily Cain, D-Orono)- Provides – Investment to grow research, development, and technology sectors to make Maine more attractive for doing business.
  • LD 851 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Invest in Railroads To Reduce the Cost of Shipping to Maine Businesses, Attract Tourists to Maine and Facilitate the Development of Commuter Rail Transportation To Reduce the Use of Oil in Maine (Sponsor, Sen. Barry Hobbins, D-Saco)- Invests in infrastructure to make it easier to do business in Maine and support jobs.
  • LD 829 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Invest in Transportation, Broadband Infrastructure, Downtown Revitalization, Land for Maine’s Future and Training Facilities in Labor Market Areas with Higher than Average Unemployment for Tourism-related Training (Sponsor, Rep. Jeff McCabe, D-Skowhegan)- Investment to target economic development support to areas with the most need.
  • LD 111 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Fund Large-scale Marketing and Research and Development for Bulk Sales of Maine Seafood Worldwide (Rep. Walter Kumiega, D-Deer Isle) – Invests in promoting traditional Maine industries.

* Democrats support crafting a responsible bipartisan bond package that incorporates elements of the bond proposals above.

Lowering health care and energy costs, protecting our natural resources

  • LR 394 An Act to Phase Out the Dirigo Health Agency and Establish the Maine Health Benefits Exchange for Small Businesses and Individuals (Sponsor, Rep. Sharon Treat, D-Hallowell)- Creates a state-based insurance marketplace to help businesses and individuals get the lowest prices for quality care.
  • LD 1030 An Act To Reduce Costs for Small Businesses (Sponsor, Rep. Mark Eves, D-North Berwick)- Establishes subsidies, tax credits and other initiatives designed to lower costs of health insurance provided through small business owners to their employees.
  • LD 1179, An Act To Require Advance Review and Approval of Certain Small Group Health Insurance Rate Increases and To Implement the Requirements of the Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Sponsor, Rep. Adam Goode, D-Bangor)- Protects businesses and individuals from insurance company rate hikes and better aligns Maine law with the Affordable Care Act.
  • LD 1449 An Act To Strengthen Maine Industry through Energy Efficiency Investment (Sponsor, Rep. Jon Hinck, D-Portland)- Lowers taxes for any capital investment making Maine’s manufacturing facilities more energy efficient.
  • LD 1254 An Act to Create Jobs through Energy Efficiency (Sponsor, Sen. Phil Bartlett)- Invests in making Maine buildings more efficient and links funding to hiring and workforce development.
  • LD 842 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue To Support Research and Sustainable Development of Maine’s Natural Resources (Sponsor, Rep. Rob Hunt, Buxton) - Invests in research and technology to support sustainable development and supports economic development that maximizes Maine’s natural resources.
  • LD 981 An Act To Increase Recycling Jobs in Maine and Lower Costs for Maine Businesses Concerning Recycled Electronics (Sponsor, Rep. Melissa Innes, D-Yarmouth) –Lowers recycling costs for businesses and towns while creating opportunities for more recycling jobs.
  • LD 412 Resolve, Regarding Legislative Review of Portions of Chapter 882: Designation of Bisphenol A as a Priority Chemical and Regulation of Bisphenol – (Emergency) - Protects kids from harmful toxins found in children’s toys and products.
  • LD 252 An Act To Amend the Laws Governing Aquatic Nuisance Species (Sponsored by Representative Jane Eberle, D-South Portland)- Strengthens protections for Maine’s natural resources.