Facts show Medicaid expansion saves $690 million

AUGUSTA — Democratic leaders issued the following statement on the release of the controversial Alexander Group report on Medicaid expansion.

Governor Paul LePage awarded the controversial consultant Gary Alexander the $1 million no-bid contract last September despite his record of mismanagement and failed policies in Pennsylvania. As the head of Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare, Alexander cost state taxpayers $7 million and took healthcare away from 89,000 children.

“It’s no surprise to see the Governor’s Tea Party consultant issue an ideological and political driven report,” said Speaker Mark Eves of North Berwick. “Maine people should see this for what it is: yet another political excuse to deny and delay health care to tens of thousands of Mainers. Independent studies show time and again that Medicaid expansion is life-saving health care that will create jobs and save money.”

  • According to a Harvard Study, Maine could prevent around 395 deaths per year by accepting federal funds.
  • Analyses by the Kaiser Foundation and the conservative Heritage Foundation show Maine could save $690 million over the next decade from Medicaid expansion. Maine is one of 10 states that will see Medicaid expenditures go down over 10 years.
  • States that choose not to expand Medicaid under federal health care reform will leave millions of their residents without health insurance and increase spending on the cost of treating uninsured residents, according to a RAND Corporation study.

“There’s nothing in this report that is a surprise,” said Senate President Justin Alfond of Portland. “This is essentially the same report that Alexander wrote for two other states. Now that the distraction of this report is over, let’s get back to what is really important: Making sure that 70,000 Mainers have access to the care they need so that no one has to fear a medical emergency will lead to bankruptcy.”