Legislative Update – February 14th, 2013
Feb 14, 2013 • 6:34 pm
I hope everyone had a safe and warm weekend. In this email, I will discuss my upcoming legislative forum, the supplemental budget, a working waterfront bond I have introduced, and Eimskip moving to Portland. |
Community Forum
 Next Saturday, February 23rd, Senator Anne Haskell, the Portland House delegation and I will be hosting a legislative forum in Portland. We will be using this opportunity to discuss the work we’re doing in Augusta and take questions from constituents. All are welcome. Portland Community Forum
Saturday, Feb 23rd, 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm
Rines Auditorium
Portland Public Library
Hosted by Senate President Alfond, Senator Haskell, and the Portland House Delegation.
I hope to see you there!
Supplemental Budget
On Wednesday, the Appropriations Committee unanimously approved thesupplemental budget for the current fiscal year. Clearly, we are in a very challenging situation and we are thankful for the committee’s tireless work to find solutions. We know the work is not yet done. We still have a two-year budget ahead of us, but now we are a step closer. Click here to read more from the Portland Press Herald.
Bills Submitted
Every two years, legislators submit bills on behalf of their constituents and to make changes in the law they would like to see. Over the next few weeks, I will be going into detail about one of my bills.
This week, I want to tell you about LR 1887, “An Act Authorizing a General Fund Bond Issue to Fund the Dredging of Casco Bay and the Expansion of the Portland FishExchange.”
This bill would put a bond question before the voters that would authorize $6.5M to improve Portland’s working waterfront. Five million would go towards dredging Casco Bay and $1.5M would be used for improvements to the Portland Fish Exchange.I will keep you informed as this bill progresses.
Eimskip Locates in Portland
Speaking of our working waterfront, Portland received some great news in the past week. Icelandic company Eimskip is expanding to Portland. This will give Maine businesses greater access to worldwide markets.
This is great news for Maine manufacturers and distributors, and for all those who support our heritage as a port city.