Assistant Senate Democratic Leader Justin Alfond of Portland introduced a proposal that would require all students to fill out at least one application to a post-secondary educational institution or certificate program and complete an application to assess qualifications for financial aid as a condition for receiving a high school diploma.

“We have made great strides in improving high school graduation rates for Maine youth,” said Alfond. “Now we have to take it to the next level and bring that focus and commitment to improving access to higher education.”

Maine has one of the highest high school graduation rates in the country—graduating around 12,000 students per year. But only 62% of high school graduates go onto higher education and even fewer go on to graduate.

“It is our obligation to make sure the next generation of workers get the skills and training to meet the growing needs and challenges of Maine business and industry,” said Alfond. “And by introducing higher education and financial aid options to students at the high school level, we are opening the door to many who may have felt shut out. We are talking about 4,500 students who could be further their education.”

A recent report by Georgetown University found that 59% of all jobs by 2018 will require post- secondary education. Maine has the fewest number of undergraduate degree holders in New England with more than 4,560 Maine high school students not furthering their education.

Alfond, who is the top ranking Democrat on the Education Committee, reminded his committee colleagues that the state’s commitment to high school graduation rates also includes increasing the high school graduation rate from 80% to 90% by 2016.

There is no scheduled date for the work session on LD 944. For more information on LD 944, “An Act to Increase College Attainment” click here.