Happy Holidays!

The 125th Legislature was sworn in on December 1st. As you know, the Republicans now are in the majority in the State House and Senate. Governor-Elect LePage will be sworn into office January 5th. I am ready to work with the new majority party. However, I will oppose them when they propose ideas that do not help Maine’s working families. In my update today, you will read about a troubling first step by the new majority. I hope you all can make your voices heard!

Community Events
On November 23rd, I went to Deering High School for the annual District 3 City Council meeting. The meeting drew well over 50 people as we discussed issues around: disorderly homes, traffic speeds, trash and leaves pickup, Capisic Pond Park, construction park update, and many other topics. Thank you to all the citizens of District 3 who care so deeply for their neighborhoods.
Labor Committee

During my travels across our district, I had the privilege of meeting many business owners, community leaders and families, and I am thankful for the opportunity to work on your behalf in Augusta. My pledge to you is to work as smart as I can to move Maine and Portland forward.

Though the legislative session has just begun, I have already started preparing for the upcoming session. All 186 legislators now begin the work of governing.

Given the economic climate in Maine and across the country, it is evident that this is not going to be an easy legislative session. We face many significant challenges and have just as many difficult decisions ahead. With this understanding, it will be very important for the people and businesses of Maine to be part of every discussion.

Unfortunately, the incoming Republican majority thinks that a top priority facing our state is to eliminate the legislature’s Labor Committee, which has been in existence since 1887.

The Labor Committee deals with unemployment, workplace enforcement of our immigration laws, equal pay, enforcement of wage and hour laws, family and medical leave, overtime laws, sick leave, minimum wage, and hundreds of other work-related issues that come before the Maine Legislature.

This is a time when we should be working to improve the lives of Maine’s workers, not turning them into second-class citizens. Improving the state’s economy by working to support business owners and their employees should be our top priority.

I am writing to you today because it is critical that we all let the incoming leadership know that the people of Maine OPPOSE making Maine’s workers second-class citizens. If this is an indication of what is to come, then it will be a long, painful two years for the working people of Maine.

For more than a century, the Labor Committee has been a place where Maine workers can have a voice.  Please contact Senator Courtney (287-1505) and Representative Cushing (423-2900) before December 16 and tell them not to eliminate the Labor Committee. Please protect the 700,000 working men and women of Maine and their families.

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and please remember to shop locally when purchasing gifts for your loved ones this season. Happy Holidays!
