I am happy to announce that I have been re-appointed to serve as the lead Senate Democrat on the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee. As the Senate Chair in the 124th Legislature, I am glad to be returning for many reasons. One is that I can provide consistency on the Committee. The lack of consistency disrupts many initiatives in Augusta. I will be introducing several bills focusing on education reform, which I will detail in my next few emails.
In addition, Senator Seth Goodall and I were appointed to serve on the Joint Select Committee on Regulatory Reform. Created by Senate President Raye, this is one of Governor-elect LePage’s signature initiatives. The Joint Select Committee will look at all aspects of government regulation towards businesses to determine if any unnecessary or duplicate regulations exist. As one of the Portland Senators representing the economic engine of our state, I am glad to be serving on this committee
If you’re a business owner, or work with the State on a regular basis, I would love to hear about your experience and any ideas you may have on improving State regulations.
In addition to my committees, the other members of the legislature have been assigned to their committees. You see see the full memebership of the Joint Standing Committees here: http://www.maine.gov/legis/house/jtcomlst.htm